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Firstly, you need to work out how much to feed your dog per day. A good place to start is 2-3% of body-weight for an adult dog. But all dogs are different and as you learn what your dog likes and eats per day you can amend accordingly.
To start with feeding one protein source, such as chicken or turkey for a week, then slowly introduce a new meat, for example beef. Then keep adding new meats such as lamb or turkey. It is important to feed your dog a mix of meats so they get a varied mix of proteins and vitamins.
The health and general well-being of your dog will be improved; you can expect them to have a healthy longer life, they will suffer less illness and be a healthier dog. Shiny coats, more energy and less illnesses are just some of the things current owners who raw feed have said they have noticed.
At Bramptons we offer a healthy balance of raw meat, offal and ground bone enabling you to give your dog delicious and nutritious food tailored to their individual tastes and health needs. If you wish to switch to cold pressed you can alternate between raw and cold pressed to suit your needs. For example, if you are going away with your dog on holiday, cold pressed maybe a good alternative while you are not at home.
By feeding your canine friends the correct food that is designed for their anatomy, their body is going to be more appropriately fuelled to help maintain optimum health and keep them fit and healthy for the length of their life. Raw and cold pressed high quality food will enable your dog to have the best health possible during their life time.
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